Batavia and Aurora Diary 11/22/21
Dear Diary,
Yesterday, I decided to take stroll through downtown Batavia during later afternoon. During my walk I came a cross a scenic view of the Fox river flowing beautifully as three or four fisherman were casting their reels into the rushing waters. Unfortunately, I was too mesmerized by the experience that I completely forgot to ask and take a picture still of these daring people. However, I did get this great shot of the river:
I highly recommend that people come the Chicago suburb during this time of the year due how Batavia’s solitary beauty. On another note, there was something magical about my walk through the town. I can’t deny that I felt at peace. Truly, there isn’t any other moment that encapsulates the serenity of the ‘burb more than this solitary holiday tree:
It is a play on a line from Amanda Gorman’s Inauguration Day Speech. If my memory is not mistaken, the ribbon read, “We lay down our arms/so we can reach out our arms/to one another.” I had to pause in my solitude. Deeply I felt a sense of oneness with tree just because it reminded me how much of ourselves derive from those around us. Simply, an indelible mark of gratitude was etched into my soul by the artist.
Of course, I have many more shots I would love to share. Many of which I could spend hours explaining the signifance (or lack there) each has to my heart. I really did wish I took a photo of El Sazon y los tacos de bistec i devoured. However, Batavia wasn’t the only place I planned on visiting yesterday. I also took a drive to my hometown, Aurora, and took some beautiful night shots.
This picture above of Leland Tower is one of favorites. If you know your Chicagoland history, then it wouldn’t be surprise to you that this building was at one point the tallest in the entire state! A true historical icon worthy of being in the “City of Lights”.
Of course, what makes Aurora beautiful in my eyes is romantic views within the city’s downtown. I was completely enamored with its hanging balconies by the Fox River as well as its various holiday season decor brighting up the night sky. Though, there is nothing more Aurora than bearing witness to the simplistic majesty of Paramount Theater.
I cannot explain the nostalgia I felt walking up the behemoth. When I was younger, I dreamed of becoming such an amazing actor that I could perform here. Of course, it’s all small potatoes; the Paramount isn’t Broadway and I didn’t have a golden voice. Though, I do cherish all the memories of summer and winter performances I attended with my friends. And I still am grateful for all the dreaming this shining star inoculated in me.
The last photo I want to share with you all tonight is this aurora beam the reminds me of the love I have for my city. As much as I am a Chicagoan, especially since I am at home in Garfield Park, this star and this city hold a special place in my heart. There truly is no other city like a Aurora; always and forever second to none.
Thank you for reading my friends. Please do take the time to appreciate these gems in the suburbs. I hope you have a wonderful day.